Collection: Avenue88 wildlife collection


Honoring the Legacy of Mac Ellis: The Inspiration Behind Our Collection

Our collection is dedicated to the memory of my grandfather, Mac Ellis, a true entrepreneur and businessman. He epitomized hard work, dedication, and creativity throughout his life, as a carpenter, entrepreneur, business owner, visionary, and leader. 

 One of Mac's most admirable traits was his ability to see potential in people and opportunities where others didn't. He believed that with hard work and determination, anyone could achieve their goals and dreams. He instilled these values in his family and inspired them to pursue their passions, no matter how ambitious they may seem.

 Mac's legacy continues to inspire us every day as we strive to create a brand that represents his values and work ethic. We hope that by sharing his story and showcasing his achievements, we can inspire others to follow in his footsteps and make their mark in the world. R.I.P Mac Ellis, your legacy will live on forever.